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HFTN Fitting Service

Online Catalogue |  HFTN Fitting Service

In-Cable HFTN Fitting Service (OPTIONAL but one fitting service would be needed to fit each In-Cable HFTN)

In-Cable HFTN Fitting Service (OPTIONAL but one fitting service would be needed to fit each In-Cable HFTN)

Price: £45.00


DNM In-Cable HFTNs can optionally be fitted by DNM Design when a new cable is ordered, or they can be fitted by the user, they are easy to fit into any DNM Interconnect cable, new or old.

(Each In-Cable HFTN is just 48mm long by 13mm wide and only two wires need to be soldered on at each end of the In-Cable HFTN.)

To have DNM Design fit the In-Cable HFTN's (including In Parallel speaker cable HFTNs) to your new interconnect cable order - use this service here.

For new cables ordered at the same time as the In-Cable HFTNs :
Just order one In-Cable HFTN fitting service for each In-Cable HFTN, four In-Cable HFTNs are needed to upgrade one DNM stereo interconnect cable.

Existing DNM cables :
The In-Cable HFTN has been designed to make upgrading to HFTN performance very easy. Save money by fitting the In-Cable HFTN's yourself, if you can solder a cable you can fit the In-Cable HFTNs. Simply order four In-Cable HFTNs and follow the supplied instructions to upgrade any DNM interconnect cable.

If you already have a DNM interconnect cable that you want to upgrade you will normally not need the fitting service, just order the four In-Cable HFTNs from the HFTN section of the online shop.

More details in the datasheet here, including DIY soldering instructions.

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